Monday, October 27, 2014

So, I'm a wife now

I've been a little busy lately, to say the least.  Planning our wedding, getting married, celebrating, and going on a honeymoon.  Honestly, blogging has been the last thing on my mind.  Priorities, man.  I've been back for the past week and felt the urge to write again.  This blogging thing is a little weird sometimes.  I'm generally a very quiet person.  I don't share much and I have a hard time opening up to people, even close friends; let alone strangers on the internet.  But today, I missed writing and have been thinking a lot about who I am and what I want.  I guess that comes along with the new "wife" title, right?  I'm really glad to not be a fiance or bride anymore.  I get to just be a wife, who isn't always busy with wedding plans.  I can just be normal again.  It got me thinking, though.  What is my normal?  What are my goals for this new stage in my life?  What kind of wife, friend, woman do I want to be? 

There's also a lot of omg I'm married to Andrew!! I'm his wife! he's my husband! kind of stuff going on in my brain too.  I've honestly never felt so much love in my heart than I do now.  It's a bit unreal dancing at your wedding reception and looking around at all of the people you love most, who traveled all this way just to support and celebrate with you.  My heart was bursting with so much happiness.  When it was all over, I felt so content and overwhelmed all at once.  It is the weirdest, best feeling.  Anyway, I'll post more about the wedding and honeymoon eventually.  Once we go through the zillions of photos we took (yes 5 memory cards for the camera was totally necessary for our 2 week trip) and I get back into the swing of things again.


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