Thursday, November 6, 2014

Thursday Links

It's a dreary, cold Thursday in Portland.  We changed the clocks back this weekend and although it was nice to get that extra hour on Sunday, it's now dark when I leave work at 4:30pm.  What a bummer. 

This is the time of year when I have to be careful.  Careful not to slink into sloth-like behavior.  I need to make myself go to yoga, walk the dog, and keep myself busy with to-do lists, projects, and crafts so I don't go insane...and gain 20 pounds in the process.   This is also the time of year however, when I get anxious for Thanksgiving so I can ease my way into a food coma, deck out the apartment in holiday decor, plan awesome gifts for family and friends and soak in the first, beautiful, snowfall.  New England certainly can have it's drawbacks but man, I love it here.

Here are some lovely links from this week:

Interesting article on what children around the world eat for breakfast from NY times.

Really beautiful post on raising a daughter from a dad's perspective

Super excited (and nervous about how it will affect by bank account) for the ABM team and the lauch of their new shop

100 tips on how to destress

Really looking forward to reading this

This news anchor being awkward.  Just give in & admit that you like TSwift.

Wishing this show didn't get cancelled.  Netflix reruns forever.

Can't believe it's been 10 years since mean girls. Also, is butter a carb?
